Customer Service Charter

Tell us how the bank served you

Your feedback is important to us; it enables us to improve our product and services that leads to develop the correct operational tools and take appropriate measures. We will conduct a short survey to know your experience about our services and follow-ups on complaints lodged and resolved.

Do we meet your satisfaction

It is our concern to know what works well. By telling us when you have received excellent customer services, it helps us to recognize the efforts of the bank’s employees and to ensure the bank replicate best practice across the organization.

to fill in the Customer Satisfaction Survey

Service charter

We are committed to making our customer happy and satisfied.

At El Nilein Bank, our goal is to make our customers happy by offering excellent customer service.

In line with the consumer protection regulation issued by the CBUAE, El Nilein management decided to Make an enhancement on the service in different aspects in accordance with the consumer protection regulation new articles.

Our commitment to:

  • Welcome and greet each customer with hospitality.

  • Treat our customers with respect.

  • Provide prompt, friendly, courteous, and efficient customer service.

  • Provide you with clear, accurate, complete, and timely information.

  • Treat your personal and financial information with confidentiality.

  • Care about our customer’s financial needs and ambitions.

  • Listen to your feedback and suggestions and offer solutions that serve your needs to enhance your banking experience with us.

  • Be transparent about our fees and charges.

  • Settle and resolve all issues and inquires.

  • Rectify the root cause of the complaint to prevent it from happening again

El Nilein Customer Service Standard

  1. All levels of Staff within the Bank will act with integrity, due skill, care, and diligence in carrying and in a fair, honest and professional manner while carrying out their role and responsibilities.
  2. The staff engaged in providing products and services will be appropriately trained to fulfil their duties and remain at all times fit & proper.

  3. Customer service staff will always identify who they are by clearly disclosing their identification and whom they work for to the Consumer. This will apply to any other staff attached to non-customer handling departments when having to deal with consumers whilst representing the Bank.

  4. Those staff engaged with consumers shall act with integrity and in a fair, honest, transparent manner, and must take into account the best interests of Consumers in their sales and financial promotional activities.

  5. All staff dealing with consumers will ensure that they explain the key terms, benefits, and risks of the financial product being offered to Consumers.

  6. Branch staff engaged in business activities with consumers shall need to be experienced and well-trained at all times to perform their responsibilities and are competent in their understanding and application of the Consumer Protection Regulation and the accompanying Standards.

  7. Staff, especially those who interact directly with Consumers, should frequently update and enhance their professional knowledge through programs of professional development on an ongoing basis, and acquire and maintain the appropriate level of knowledge and competence.

  8. Staff involved in the offering or marketing of any products or services from third parties must demonstrate appropriate and current knowledge about the product and services.

  9. Staff shall not engage in aggressive sales behaviour and unfair or unethical treatment of Consumers, do not offer, give, solicit or accept any gifts or rewards (monetary or otherwise) that are likely to be perceived or are a potential conflict with any duties of the recipient in relation to his /her activities involving Consumers or/and the policies of the Bank.

  10. Staff shall ensure that consumer data/information is never breached and be liable to protect Consumer Data as an ongoing responsibility.

  11. All relevant Staff shall be aware of the internal Complaint handling procedures and that they act in accordance with them. In particular, the front-line Staff shall request to be provided with training on how to handle and process Complaints, if such training has not been afforded to them.
the marketing approach and advertisement. Also, ENB has decided to launch a consumer protection awareness program

El Nilein Marketing /Advertising Standard

Staff engaged in Marketing / Advertising will ensure that following is adhered to/ adopted when communicating to the consumers. Though the final responsibility falls on the Bank, the concerned staff that prepares the materials will ensure that the Bank does not face embarrassment when dealing with consumers as well to ensure that such campaigns fall within the acceptability of the CBUAE standards on Consumer Protection.

1. The Bank will apply CBUAE standards to any Advertising activity through any and all channels, including branches, websites, mobile applications, account statements, social media, and public media comprised of any form of audio, visual, and print content.

2. All advertisements will be available in both Arabic and English. At the discretion of the Bank, other languages can be chosen based on the Consumer target market. Where the advertisement is targeted at one linguistic market, Bank can target and tailor the advertisement for that linguistic market.

3. An advertisement by the Bank will:

  • Be accurate, honest, and understandable and not be misleading or contrary to actual factual information. An advertisement is misleading if, in any way, its presentation deceives or is likely to deceive the person to whom it reaches;

  • Highlight key information and, display it prominently;

  • Ensure that all information, including footnotes, qualifiers, or disclaimers, is clearly visible, legible, and understandable;

  • Ensure any footnotes, qualifiers, or disclaimers in Advertising are prominently and clearly displayed and of a font size that is clearly readable by Consumers.

  • Ensure that all written text and numbers are of sufficient font size, a minimum of 10;

  • Not contain any false statement of fact, or conceal important facts or information that may be deceptive or create a false impression.

4. An advertisement must be designed and presented in a manner that allows Consumers to immediately identify it as promotional material from the Bank

5. Where Bank advertises or promotes any Financial Product and/or Service, it must disclose the name and logo of the Bank and its contact details prominently in the advertisement. The advertisement will need to also provide the means and manner of easily accessing the details of any qualifying criteria the Consumer will need to meet before obtaining the Financial Product and/or Service. Where the full information is provided through a link on a Digital Channel, the link will provide the ability to re-direct Consumers specifically to the qualifying criteria relevant only for that advertisement /financial promotion.

6. The Bank will ensure that Advertising or promotional material that contains acronyms (e.g. APR) clearly states the full form of the acronym.

7. Advertising/marketing Staff explain the key terms, benefits, and risks of the financial product being offered to Consumers.

El Nilein Consumer Data Protection Standard

ENB will ensure that the following guidelines on Consumer Data Protection are followed by all of its staff when discharging their duties towards the bank’s customer/s.
The Bank as a whole will ensure that the following guidelines that stem from the Consumer Protection Regulation issued by the Central Bank of UAE, are followed meticulously and that there will not be any breach of any sort.

  1. ENB will establish a function in their organization that is responsible for Data Management and Protection including responsibility for maintaining policies, procedures, systems and controls to protect Consumers’ Personal Data and information against misuse, unauthorized access and undue processing and analysis. (Article

  2. The Bank will have policies that specify duration of record keeping and Data retention in accordance with the applicable laws, regulations and business. (Article

  3. The Bank will have appropriate security and monitoring measures in place to detect and track unauthorized internal access or use of Consumer information. Any breach of access, misuse or unauthorized release must be recorded including any harm done by such breach for future reporting to and review by the Central Bank. (Article

  4. ENB will notify the Central Bank of all significant breaches of Consumer Data and information and notify any Personal Data breach to Consumers where a breach may pose a risk to the financial and personal security of the Consumer without undue delay. The Bank is liable for reimbursing any direct costs incurred by the consumer for actual harm done as a result of the breach. (Article

  5. ENB will ensure that Consumers are able to make informed choices with respect to providing expressed consent as to their Data being collected, used and shared with third parties and within the Bank. (Article

  6. The Bank preventS the misuse of Consumer information and Data. (Article

Protection of Consumer Assets, Information and Data against Fraud, Misappropriation and Misuse

ENB will ensure that the following guidelines on Protection of Consumer Assets, Information and Data against Fraud, Misappropriation, and Misuse are followed by all of its staff when discharging their duties towards the bank customer/s.
The Bank as a whole will ensure that the following guidelines that stem from the Consumer Protection Regulation issued by the Central Bank of UAE, are followed meticulously and that there will not be any breach of any sort.

  1. Without prejudice to other laws and regulations, ENB will treat Consumers’ information relationships and business affairs as private and confidential. (Article

  2. The Bank will put in place strict internal controls to effectively protect Consumers’ deposits, savings, funds held by stored value facilities and other assets as well as Consumer information and Data, against internal frauds. (Article

  3. The Bank will apply sufficient resources to be able to detect both external and internal frauds quickly and ensure they are fully addressed with future prevention measures. (Article

  4. ENB will compensate Consumers in a timely manner for financial losses and expenses resulting from Financial Crimes, misappropriation, cyber-attacks and misuse of assets and information unless it can be proven that the loss was due to the gross negligence or fraudulent behaviour of the Consumers. (Article

  5. ENB will ensure their security and protection systems are updated and have the capacity to develop and adopt new approaches to cyber security as required. (Article

  6. The Bank will demonstrate they have carried out sufficient Consumer awareness activities related to educating Consumers of the need to protect themselves from Financial Crime. (Article

El Nilein Bank Complaint Management and Complaint Resolution

El Nilein will ensure that the following guidelines on Complaint Management and Complaint Resolution are followed by all of its staff when discharging their duties towards the bank’s customer/s. The Bank as a whole will ensure that the following guidelines that stem from the Consumer Protection Regulation issued by the Central Bank of UAE, are followed meticulously and that there will not be any breach of any sort.

  1. El Nilein will establish an independent Complaint management function in the organization that directly reports to the Senior Management. The function will be empowered to effectively resolve complaints and be independent of the business operations. (Article

  2. El Nilein will have an efficient and active Complaint management system with supporting policies and procedures. The system will enable Consumers to make Complaints easily and free of cost. (Article

  3. ENB will ensure Consumers are aware of their rights and responsibilities when seeking to resolve their problems or Complaints. (Article

  4. El Nilein will be responsible for accepting and addressing all Complaints involving the activities of Authorized Agents as well as any product and/or service sold, marketed, or advertised by the agent on behalf of ENB. (Article

  5. El Nilein will ensure compliance with all time frames prescribed by the Central Bank including turnaround time for acknowledgments and provide written responses to Complaints that must provide the Consumer an explanation in writing of any delay or any inability of having a resolution to the Complaint or Error. (Article

  6. El Nilein will ensure that its Authorized Agents provide a credible and unbiased process for Complaint resolution in accordance with this Regulation and Standards and ENB’s policy and procedures. (Article

  7. El Nilein will train its staff and Authorized Agents in the identification and handling of Complaints. (Article

  8. Consumers will be informed of the ENB’s process for the management of Complaints as well as recourse to a Complaint resolution mechanism. (Article

  9. El Nilein staff will cooperate with Central Bank to supervise the effectiveness and efficiency of the ENB’s Complaint resolution mechanism. (Article

Contact us:

Landline number: 02-6269995

Email: [email protected]

Handling your complaint

The bank is committed to ensure all complaints received are taken seriously and handled efficiently, fairly, and confidentially.

You can lodge your complaint using any of the following channels:

1.Contact us face-to-face during our branch working hours:
   Monday to Thursday From 08:00AM to 02:30PM
   Friday From 08:00AM to 11:00AM
   Saturday From 08:00AM to 01:00PM

2.Call us at  +971 2 6269995 Ext. (247)
   Monday to Thursday From 08:00AM to 04:00PM
   Friday From 08:00AM to 12:00PM
   Saturday From 08:00AM to 02:00PM

3.Write to us on email: [email protected] mentioning:

• Your full name

• Contact details (preferred phone number)

• Type of product you hold with El Nilein Bank

• Your complaint

• Your account details

4.We will register and acknowledge your complaint by providing you with a “Service Reference (SR)” number within two working days via SMS to your registered mobile number with us or email address registered with us.

5.After having further details from you, we will provide a timeline of your complaint resolution.

6.Settlement of compliant will be within 5 working days and subject to appeal of dissatisfaction.

7.If the appeal response is not satisfiable, you can approach the Central Bank of UAE Consumer Protection Department.

Get in touch

Let us help you find the answers you’re looking for. Connect with us if you have any queries, complaints, suggestions, or would like to send us a compliment about our service. We’d love to hear from you.